Supervision is meant to help and develop teachers to be professional. With professional teachers, the final objective of supervision to improve student's learning could be achieved. The principal's responsibility as a supervisor is to help teachers develop their teaching capability. From the observation, it is found that a lot of principals have not conducted their supervision properly. Therefore, it is worth studying "the principal's role as a supervisor in the development of staff
This study is specifically intended to examine the principal's role as a
supervisor in the development of staff at State Junior High School 18
Semarang factors that affect his role (factors that support and those that inhibit), and the type of supervision as expected by teachers. Based on the findings, some recommendation could be taken into consideration by the principal as a supervisor to make some decision on the implementation of supervision in his school.
This is a qualitative or naturalistic study. The data were collected by the use of participant observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documents. The validity of the data was checked by the use of careful observation, triangulation, and member's check. The data were analyzed by the use of (a) data reduction, (b) data display, and (c) drawing concl usions/verification.
Based on the analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn. First,
the supervision by Principal of State. Junior High School 18 Semarang is delegated to the Vice Principal. Second, the Principal has played hislher role as good supervisor. Third, some factors inhibit the implementation of supervision. One of them is that teachers do not trust their supervisor making them less motivated in the implementation of supervision. Fourth, teachers expect to have regular supervision conducted by a professional supervisor to guide and develop them in their teaching and learning process.
If is recomended that first, principal should not fully delegated his
supervision responsibility; second, the supervisor should be selected based on his capacity for supervision; third, there should be good coordination between the principal, the supervision team, and teachers in order to create conducive atmosphere and each of them could implement the supervision properly.
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